This System Is A Bit Of A B*tch

John looked at the last prize speechlessly.

Sword Intent and Holy Soil were both understandable. What the hell was a Protective Parasol?

He opened the system inventory and looked at the attributes of the Protective Parasol.

Protective Parasol: "A beautifully crafted artifact can not only protect you from the wind and rain but also effectively protect you from ultraviolet rays. It can also reveal your status and aura. You deserve it."

John was confused.

He realized that this system was a bit of a b*tch.

John opened the Holy Light Sword Intent and looked at the introduction.

Holy Light Sword Intent: "A Sword Intent Secret Art that has been lost for thousands of years. After the host learns it, he will be able to truly comprehend the Sword Intent. The Sword Intent is as fierce as an avalanche, as soft as a cocoon, and as gentle as a breeze blowing past."

John had been training with his grandfather since he was young, so he naturally knew the Sword Intent.

He was not very interested at first, but after reading the introduction, he was shocked.

This was the Holy Light Sword Intent.

Knowing how to fence was just putting on airs. One might not necessarily be able to practice Sword Intent.

Some people who practiced fencing all their lives might not necessarily be able to practice the Sword Intent.

To be able to obtain the Holy Light Sword Intent meant that one was a true expert of Holy Light Sword.

John did not expect that he could comprehend the Holy Light Sword Intent so easily.

The other Holy Potions and Holy Soils came at the right time.

John planned to plant the more expensive herbs he would pick in the future and gradually build a herb garden.

John took out the Holy Soil and set up a herb garden in the backyard of the church.

John had already collected more than ten bags of Holy Soil. He took them all out and laid them on the ground.

The shape of the herb garden was basically formed.

He planted the precious Wild Boar Magic Crystals and the Magical Phoenix feather worth 3.5 million yuan with a little Holy Potion.

In this way, the Wild Boar Magic Crystal and the Magical Phoenix Feather could be considered to have settled down.

Lil Si followed behind John obediently. He stared at John with his bean-sized eyes, as if he did not understand what John was trying to do.

John turned around and reminded Lil Si.

"From now on, your mission is to look after this herb garden. You are not allowed to steal anything else. Do you understand?"

This time, Lil Si understood. His big head swayed for a moment before he nodded.

"Yes, Master."

John turned around and left.

The Wild Boar Magic Crystal and the Magical Phoenix Feather were both very precious. However, with Lil Si watching over them, there was no risk of failure.

After a busy day, John stopped broadcasting in the evening.

After dinner, after finishing his evening class, he went to bed.

Early the next morning, John woke up.

He found Lil Si lying on the side, his thick tail still pressing down on him.

This time, it made John's calves numb.

John was completely speechless.

This guy did not treat him as a subordinate at all. Lil Si just treated itself as if it were John's little brother.

John got up, ran in the morning, and went back to Hill Lake after wading in the water.

At this time, John received a call from Catherine and learned that she had arrived in the county town.

In about two hours, Catherine and her group would be able to reach the Holy Light Church.

John calculated the time and invited Catherine and her group to the church for breakfast.

Catherine had seen John's cooking and happily agreed.

John looked at the kitchen and found that there was nothing in the kitchen except a piece of dried ham.

If he wanted to buy vegetables, the nearest place was the Mazalorat Town, which was seven or eight kilometers away.

John decided to pick up materials on the spot and entertain the guests.

Bamboo shoots were everywhere in the bamboo forest outside the church.

In addition, there were fresh ferns and soft ground outside the bamboo forest. There were also fresh locust flowers and elm money on the trees.

These wild herbs were everywhere in the Mazalorat Mountains. John had been used to eating them since he was a child and found them very delicious.

He did not have any problem with using them to entertain the guests.

John did not turn on the live broadcast when he was doing his morning exercises. Now that he was out looking for wild herbs, he turned on the live broadcast.

He planned to do the live broadcast while looking for wild herbs.

When he turned on the live broadcast, he found that there were more than 100,000 people online.

John was a little apologetic. He did not turn on the live broadcast during the morning exercise this morning.

These netizens were probably already waiting anxiously.

John's sudden appearance made many netizens cry out in surprise.

"Religious leader, you're such a b*tch. You haven't turned on the live broadcast all this time, but suddenly, you turned it on again. Fortunately, I have been paying attention to the live broadcast room."

"He's probably like 'are you surprised?' He's just so unpredictable."

"Religious leader, I hate you. I got up at 6:00 AM just to watch your live broadcast."


John apologized to everyone and then told them about the content of today's live broadcast.

"Later, the people who signed the contract with the company are coming. There won't be any good dishes to entertain the guests."

"I plan to go out for a walk and dig some wild vegetables."

As he spoke, he carried a shade and a basket on his back and left the church.

Lil Si obediently guarded their church.

Hearing John's words, many netizens were amused.

"Religious leader, I think you'll most likely not gain much from this trip."

"Haha, this is too funny. We'll go to the supermarket if we don't have vegetables. However, when the religious leader has no vegetables, he goes to the mountains to dig."

"We'll wait for the leader to flip over. Although it's the turn of spring and summer now, how can there be so many wild vegetables?"

"I think your guests are probably going to eat instant noodles. This is something that I'm very happy to see."


John did not argue with everyone. He carried the basket on his back and went straight into the depths of the bamboo forest.

In the depths of the bamboo forest, it was deep and dark green. It was cool and refreshing, causing many netizens to praise it endlessly.

"It's too beautiful. In a place like this, it's not rare to live for a hundred years."

"Even through the screen, I can feel the fresh air. It's really natural oxygen."

"Where are the wild vegetables? Where are the wild vegetables? I'm more concerned about what dishes the cult leader can find."


John walked for a while, then stopped in front of a bunch of bamboos and pointed to the ground to introduce them.

"Didn't everyone keep asking where the vegetables are? The vegetables are here."

Through the camera lens, everyone could clearly see the yellow and tender green bamboo shoots appearing one after another.

Many bamboo shoots had just popped out and were hidden under the thick bamboo leaves. If they were not careful, they would not be able to tell.

However, with John's reminder, everyone immediately noticed that clusters and clusters of bamboo shoots were all over the ground.

John introduced them with a smile.

"Everyone has seen many bamboo shoots, but I dare to guarantee that this kind of bamboo shoot is very rare for everyone."

"This kind of bamboo shoot is called the Cold Bamboo Shoot. It's a specialty of the Mazalorat Mountain. It must grow in the high mountains and dense forests at an altitude of 1,500 meters."

"Its meat is tender, fresh, fragrant, and tasty. It's rich in nutrients. It's also rich in a variety of amino acids, fiber, protein, vitamins, iron, and phosphorus. It's well-deserved to be called a natural wild food ingredient in the high mountains."

As John was introducing it, he casually broke one of the bamboo shoots and brought it in front of the camera for everyone to take a closer look.

Under the camera, the netizens could see it very clearly.

The bamboo shoots that were yellow and green were fresh and tender. It was very delicious just by looking at it.

Many people sighed from the bottom of their hearts.

"No wonder the guest came to visit. The cult leader wasn't in a hurry at all. This mountain full of cold bamboo shoots is so enviable."

"Amazing, it's actually Cold Bamboo Shoots. It was broadcast on a gourmet program in the past. That episode made my mouth water."

"I heard that this kind of Cold Bamboo Shoot is the same as dragon beard bamboo shoot. It used to be a tribute from the royal family. Only the royal family and nobles can enjoy it."

"I feel that the religious leader's current life is no different from the royal family."

"I'm so envious. Why do you, a priest, always like to cook these delicacies?"
