Gluttony Made People All Over The World Cry

This kind of delicious food that was delivered to his doorstep was a gift from the heavens. How could he let it go?

Almost at the same moment, seven to eight cooking methods for rabbit meat appeared in John's mind.

Rabbit meat tempura, green pepper rabbit meat, roasted rabbit meat, bamboo shoots mixed with rabbit meat, cheese baked rabbit meat...

John raised his hand while walking on tiptoe. The rabbit that was only ten meters away from him was not easy to catch.

The drone quickly followed. The camera followed John's hand and also aimed at the hare.

In the live broadcast room, a group of netizens had yet to react.

However, a few seconds later, in the enlarged lens of the drone, everyone discovered the hare in John's hand.

This time, the live broadcast room instantly exploded.

"Amazing, there's actually a hare that has delivered itself to his doorstep. The religious leader has caught it just like that?"

"Mazalorat Mountain is really a treasure land. There's actually a hare. The religious leader is in for a treat."

"Whether or not he's in for a treat depends on the religious leader's ability. The hare runs so fast that even a hunting dog might not be able to catch it."

"Indeed, even the most professional hunter would not be able to catch a hare without a hunting dog!"


Under the camera lens, John's short hair was fresh and clean, his church robe was neat, making him look extremely handsome.

The netizens were dazzled by what they saw. John stretched out his hand and grabbed the hare's neck.

The hare was desperate. It turned around and bit John's hand, but John broke its neck with a quick movement.

This series of actions was unbelievably fast. Everyone was stunned.

By the time everyone reacted, a new climax was set off in the live broadcast room.

"Awesome, the religious leader is awesome!"

"There's no one else that can be compared to him. I dare say that even ten hunting dogs can't compare to him."

"Upstairs, I think you're cursing, but I agree with what you said."

"How scary. If the religious leader were to enter the judiciary, would there still be anyone in this world who would dare to be a thief?"


John slowly stood up, holding the dead hare in his hand. He was calm and had a smile on his face.

"Just now, you guys said there was no food here. Now, the feast is here. Does anyone want to eat rabbit meat?"

The netizens who had been provoked immediately went crazy.

The densely packed comments were all ridiculing John.

"Religious leader, please be a human. There are so many delicacies in a meal. Won't your conscience hurt?"

"I won't watch today's live broadcast. I'm afraid I'll bite my tongue."

"To be honest, I'm starting to drool now. What should I do?"


I Love Carrots rewarded John with 10 large airplanes.

Message: "I asked William to run errands for me. I didn't expect to fulfill this kid's wish. I'm so regretful now."

National Husband William rewarded John with ten large airplanes.

Message: "The religious leader is awesome. I love the religious leader. La la la la la la."

Anthony Boxing Club rewarded John with ten large airplanes.

Message: "The religious leader's martial arts is amazing every time I see it. I'm really impressed."

The sexy little wild cat rewarded him with ten big jets.

Message: "The way the religious leader caught the hare just now was so cool. This video will definitely be trending again."


John carried the hare contentedly and went straight back to the church.

As soon as he returned to the church, Lil Si came up to him.

Its small eyes stared at the hare in John's hand, shining brightly.

John nudged its big head.

"I have a use for this hare, so I can't feed it to you. Get Me some firewood."

Lil Si did not move. Its big head rubbed just against John's leg.

John sighed helplessly.

"I advise you to be good. You've become a greedy dog. I'll give you the hare's head, so will that be fine?"

Lil Si then left the house in satisfaction and went to fetch firewood.

John began to cook.

He first shelled the bamboo shoots, then cut them into strips and blanched them in the wok.

Many netizens threatened to leave, but no one was willing to leave.

On the contrary, the number of people in the live broadcast room increased. The number of online viewers had already reached more than 500,000.

Watching John cut the bamboo shoots, each bamboo shoot was evenly sized and extremely fresh and tender. Everyone began to swallow their saliva.

After boiling the bamboo shoots, John set the pot to boil some oil.

When the oil was smoking, he added ginger, green onions, Sichuan pepper, stir-fry the fragrance, John put the evenly sized bamboo shoots into the wok to stir-fry.

After a minute or two, he added the right amount of soy sauce seasoning and some salt.

A plate of stir-fried Cold Bamboo Shoots was ready.

The best ingredients, often only need the most simple cooking method.

This dish of stir-fried Cold Bamboo Shoots perfectly illustrates this classic saying.

For another dish, John intends to make honey and Locust Flowers.

He first washed the Locust Flowers and blanched them in a pot of boiling water. He steamed them in a steamer for about ten minutes, then scooped them out and let the water dripped off.

Then, John mixed them with honey, sprinkled them with stir-fried sesame seeds, and mixed them well.

Another plate of the fresh dish was ready.

The third dish was bamboo fungi and ham soup.

This dish took a long time. John first boiled the ham, and when the broth was ready, he added the washed bamboo fungi.

While the soup was boiling, John began to clean up the rabbit.

He planned to make a pot of braised rabbit meat.

On camera, his kitchen knife seemed to have a spirit, and easily peeled the rabbit's skin.

Then, he chopped the rabbit meat into small pieces, washed it, and put it into the pot.

He put a proper amount of salt and cooking wine, stirred it evenly, and marinated it for fifteen minutes.

When he was cleaning up the rabbit, Lil Si had already obediently squatted next to John, looking at the rabbit with envy.

John patted its head, and casually threw the rabbit's head to Lil Si.

"Go add more firewood. Don't let the fire go out."

Lil Si swallowed the Rabbit's head in one gulp and went to add firewood with satisfaction.

Next, John sliced the ginger, peeled the garlic, and added the coriander.

By the time John was done with the preparation, the ham and bamboo fungi were almost ready.

A charming aroma wafted out of the pot.

John took the pot, washed it, and heated the oil. He added the ginger and garlic, then added the rabbit meat.

Then, he added black pepper, sea salt, onions, and chili, and stir-fried them evenly. Finally, he added a few slices of cheese.

Finally, John stewed them over a high fire and gathered the juice over a low fire.

Under the camera lens, the rabbit meat turned golden and was decorated with a few sections of coriander.

The fragrant flavor seemed to overflow the screen.

More than 500,000 netizens looked at John's methodical cooking. He was like a three-star Michelin chef. Everyone swallowed their saliva.

The dense barrage of comments gave off a jealous feeling.

"Sob, sob, sob, sob, sob. I want to go to Mazalorat Mountain to look for a religious leader. These dishes look so delicious."

"F*ck, I even specially ordered sea cucumber abalone takeout, but there's no taste at all."

"Upstairs, the religious leader's dishes are all organic food. Yours are artificially raised. They can't be compared with each other."

"I'm eating bread and I'm crying. Why is the difference between people so big?"

"Three questions in life: Who Am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"
