Shocked God

In the blink of an eye, half of John's body had already descended the cliff.

Under the camera lens of the drone, he was like a leaf, drifting in the mountain wind.

Beneath him was a bottomless cliff with wisps of fog drifting around it.

All the netizens felt as if they were in the same situation. All the hairs on their bodies stood up, and one after another, they sent out comments.

"Damn, the religious leader really went down. It's too dangerous."

"I don't even dare to look. Just looking at that cliff makes me dizzy."

"The religious leader is awesome. He has the guts to kill the heavens."

"Don't forget, the religious leader went down the cliff to save the Black-Feathered Eagle. He's too kind."


At this moment, John was fully focused on the gaps on the rock as he climbed down bit by bit.

The old vine was just a safety rope in case of an accident.

John could not put all his weight on it.

In just a few minutes, he was seven or eight meters below the cliff, his body pressed against the cliff like a gecko.

In the live broadcast room, there were fewer comments.

Countless people looked at John with fear, no one dared to say anything.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room seemed to be frozen.

At this moment, a netizen with the ID called 'Rock Climbing Enthusiast' tipped John ten large airplanes.

Message: "This is the best rock climber I've ever seen. The religious leader is awesome."

He opened his mouth and began to talk non-stop.

"Even the most professional rock climbers need to understand the terrain and do their homework in advance for this kind of wild climbing."

"Every foothold and every strength point needs to be repeatedly tested, reasoned, and prepared for emergency measures

"Under such circumstances, only rock climbing experts dare to climb such a cliff."

"Even so, there are many rock climbing experts who fall to their deaths every year

"I can see that the religious leader has not received any professional training. He can even be said to be a layman in rock climbing."

"However, he relied on his strong physical strength and his flexibility to climb down."

"Therefore, I am certain that with the religious leader's physical qualities, he can become a top-notch rock climbing expert with just a little training."

Many netizens did not know much about rock climbing. However, when they heard the introduction of the rock climbing major players, they felt a sense of pride.

"Of course, why don't you take a look at who our religious leader is? He's someone who would even make a Holy Light Sword Grandmaster worship him."

"A God-like man can become a master in any field."

"Religious leader, be careful. We don't care if you can become a rock-climbing master. We only care about your safety."

"Damn, I just stood up and knelt to the religious leader again."


In the live broadcast room, amidst the discussion of countless netizens, John encountered a difficult problem.

He was currently standing on a sunken stone wall and could not find a foothold.

He was worried that the old vine would not be able to bear his weight, so he did not dare to let go completely.

His fingers dug into the cracks in the rock, but his feet were empty and he had nothing to borrow strength from.

The worst thing was that the baby Black-Feathered Eagle moved closer and closer to the cliff.

John was anxious.

If the Baby Black-Feathered Eagle fell, his rescue operation would fail.

John estimated the distance. At this moment, he was about three meters away from the cave entrance of the Black-Feathered Eagle.

If he climbed up and changed his route, it would be too late to rescue the baby Black-Feathered Eagle.

At this moment, many netizens also noticed John's dangerous situation. Their hearts were in their throats.

Everyone sent comments to express their anxiety.

"Religious leader, it's fine if you can't get down. Don't try to be brave."

"Hubby, sob, sob, sob, sob. I'm really crying. I can't live without you."

"Religious leader, treasure your life. You've done your best. Don't get down."


National Hubby William tipped John ten large airplanes.

Message: "Religious leader, be careful. I'm still waiting to eat your dishes."

I Love Carrots tipped ten air airplanes.

Message: "Please, hubby, come back. Don't let anything happen to you."

Sexy Wildcat tipped a large airplane.

Message: "Religious Leader, you're a popular person on the internet now. Don't work so hard."


Rock Climbing Enthusiast said, "The situation that the religious leader is facing is a caved-in stone wall."

"The angle of the caved-in is estimated to be 40 degrees, so it's hard to exert any force on the feet."

"This kind of situation is basically unsolvable. Even the most professional rock climbing expert can only change his route or give up."

"I suggest that the religious leader give up on this rescue operation."

"Everyone only has one life. Those in our line of work must understand this principle even more."

At this moment, John suddenly made a terrifying move.

He suddenly let go of his hands that were holding onto the crack in the rock. His entire body was like a rock, falling rapidly.

Before everyone could react, his body had already landed at a position parallel to the entrance of the Black-Feathered Eagle's Cave.

John stepped on a protruding rock below and used the force to pounce on it.

Half of his body pounced directly in front of the entrance of the Black-Feathered Eagle's cave, his left hand firmly holding onto the crack in the rock.

This move was extremely dangerous and fast.

Before anyone could react, John had already climbed to the entrance of the Black-Feathered Eagle's cave and sat there.

In the live broadcast room, the comments suddenly disappeared, and then a new round of comments erupted.

"F*ck, what did I see? The religious leader actually let go of his hand just now."

"My heart is acting up. Religious leader, are you trying to scare us to death?"

"Religious leader, you're the number one outlaw in the world. What happened to being quiet, doing nothing and going with the flow?"

"Oh damn, I was so scared that I cried. I still have tears in my eyes. I thought the religious leader was going to die."

"Religious keader, be a human. If you scare us like this, you won't have any friends."


John sat at the entrance of the cliff cave and heaved a sigh of relief. However, he was not afraid.

His actions just now seemed to be risky and even reckless.

However, all the accidents and remedial measures had already been thought through in his mind.

He only dared to let go of the crevice of the cave because he had a 99% chance of grasping it.

To say the least, even if he did not grasp the crevice, there was still a protruding stone wall one meter below the cave.

That could be John's safe foothold.

At the very least, there was still the old vine.

As long as he held on to the old vine and exerted some strength, John would be able to dive into the cave.

However, in the eyes of millions of netizens, his actions were too crazy and terrifying.

While many netizens still had lingering fear in their hearts, they started to reward him crazily.

Rock Climbing Enthusiast also rewarded him with ten large airplanes.

Message: "I take back what I said just now. The religious leader's wisdom and courage make me feel ashamed."

"In fact, such a situation is not impossible to solve. It requires extraordinary strength and courage to crack it."

"I believe that before the religious leader let go, he had already seen the landing spot clearly and rehearsed all kinds of possible dangers in his mind."

"Such strength and courage, and a superman's vision, are all necessary conditions for a top rock climbing master."

"I even felt that the religious leader could be compared to the world-renowned rock climbing expert, Alex Hornold.

"There is even a high possibility that he can surpass this world-renowned rock climbing master."