What Kind Of Experience Was It To Play With A Black-Feathered Eagle

On the cliff, John watched as the Black-Feathered Eagle finished drinking the water and poured some more for it.

By the time the Black-Feathered Eagle finished drinking the water, a friendship had been established between John and the Black-Feathered Eagle.

John reached out and touched the Black-Feathered Eagle's rough and hard feathers.

The Black-Feathered Eagle turned around and pecked at his clothes in a friendly manner.

All the netizens were completely stunned when they saw this scene.

"Damn, what happened? Why am I getting less and less able to understand the religious leader?"

"It's scary. The religious leader's charm doesn't differentiate between countries, groups, races, and even humans and animals."

"I also want to touch the Black-Feathered Eagle. What kind of experience is that? I'm so envious that I'm crying."

"I want to touch it. +1"

"Touch it? The Black-Feathered Eagle can tear off half of your hand with one bite."


John and the Black-Feathered Eagle stayed together for a while. The relationship between the man and the bird became more and more intimate before John was ready to leave the nest of the Black-Feathered Eagle.

He pulled on the safety rope old vine and stepped on the tip of the entrance of the cave. With a leap, he reached a cliff that was two meters high.

This rock climbing action was extremely handsome, and it also caused a commotion in the live broadcast room.

After more than ten minutes, John returned to the top of the cliff.

After this rock climbing, even John felt a little tired.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were finally completely relieved.

John met the Black-Feathered Eagle in that day's live broadcast, so everyone was shocked.

John put on his clothes and began to interact with the netizens. The live broadcast room was flooded with bullet comments.

"Religious leader, can you tell me how you tamed the Black-Feathered Eagle?"

"I'm really submitting to the religious leader. Such a fierce Black-Feathered Eagle actually listened to him obediently."

"I'm really curious, how did the religious leader become friends with the Black-Feathered Eagle?"


A skill like the Monster Encyclopedia would be shocking if it was told.

John naturally could not tell the whole story.

Moreover, he had seen all the information about the Black-Feathered Eagle from the Monster Encyclopedia

It turned out that the Black-Feathered Eagle really knew how to use simple wind magic. Fortunately, it did not release it just now. Otherwise, the audience would really be shocked.

Moreover, the encyclopedia said that the Black-Feathered Eagle actually had a weak divine beast bloodline and had a slight possibility of evolving into a divine beast, the Golden-Winged Roc.

This also made John decide to build a good relationship with the Black-Feathered Eagle in the future.

He smiled and explained to everyone.

"Everything has a spirit. Actually, everything can be done with communication."

"This kind of communication can be done through language, or through the eyes and body language, to release goodwill."

"When I communicate with animals, I use the eyes and body language to express my goodwill and thoughts."

"In fact, animals are very simple. They only need to solve the problems of hunting and survival. They are not as complicated as humans. As long as you open your heart, there is no problem that can't be solved."


What John said was similar to the positive words circulating on the internet. There was nothing wrong with it no matter what.

If it were anyone else, they would inevitably be called hypocritical by the netizens.

However, they had just witnessed John's ability and were convinced.

John chatted with them while he descended the mountain.

20 minutes later, John had returned to the Holy Light Church.

At this moment, there was a long cry in the air. A Black-Feathered Eagle the size of a millstone swooped down from the sky and circled above John's head.

In its sharp claws, there was actually a crucian carp that was more than 80 centimeters long.

The fish was very fresh. It was still shaking its head and wagging its tail as it struggled.

The Black-Feathered Eagle entered the camera lens, but it was completely unaware.

Its claws loosened, and the huge crucian carp fell down and landed in front of John.

Then, the Black-Feathered Eagle grunted twice and glanced at John. It flew into the sky in a straight line.

The millions of netizens online saw such a strange scene at the first moment.

In an instant, countless comments flew out.

"Oh f*ck, the Black-Feathered Eagle is returning the favor. The religious leader is right, everything has a spirit."

"The Black-Feathered Eagle knows how to fish? This is really an eye-opener. Isn't it the king of the sky and grasslands?"

"I'm so envious. This carp weighs at least 20 pounds, and it's from the wild. This carp must be very expensive."

"With the arrival of all beasts, my religious leader is showing off the might of the human race. He really brings pride to ordinary people like us."

"I have a bad feeling. Everyone's stomachs are going to be tortured by his live broadcast."


The National Husband William rewarded John with ten large airplanes.

Message: "Cult master, if I fly over now to eat your carp, will I still be in time?"

I love Carrots rewarded John with ten large airplanes.

Message: "Hubby, you won't be able to finish this fish. Let's wait for the next time so we have a candlelit dinner together."


John did not expect that the Black-Feathered Eagle would actually catch such a big crucian carp for him. He did not know whether to laugh or cry.

However, the torment this morning made John's stomach hungry.

He decided to enjoy this crucian carp.

John grabbed the crucian carp's gills, picked it up, and showed it to everyone.

"The Black-Feathered Eagle sent me a crucian carp. It's a full 80 centimeters, and the initial estimate is about 20 pounds."

"Today, I'll cook a home-cooked grilled fish for everyone."

In the live broadcast room, a group of netizens had a bad premonition and ridiculed one after another.

"It's over, it's over. The religious leader is going to torture us again."

"Ever since I saw the few dishes that the religious leader cooked, I have no appetite for other dishes anymore."

"Hello, religious leader. Goodbye, religious leader. I'll come and watch your live broadcast later tonight. We won't leave until we meet."

"Run, run, run, the religious leader is going to cook."


John smiled bitterly.

The netizens in the live broadcast room threatened John to leave one after another.

However, the number of people online in the live broadcast room continued to rise.

He had not had the time to look at the data in the live broadcast room previously. At this moment, only did he realize that the number of people online had already reached over 900,000, and the number of fans had increased to 1.1 million.

The scariest thing was the gifts. In just two to three hours, the amount of the gifts had already reached over 500,000 yuan.

According to the 90-10 split model, John could get more than 400,000 yuan.

From last night to this morning, John's Popularity Value, which had been burned out by the lottery, had risen to 700,000.