Water Crisis, Disaster Descends

While all this was going on, Lorne was bringing the seeds back to his technology city.

He was going to study the cultivation of the seeds and then quietly wait for the arrival of the disaster in his technology city.

"System, if I want to grow fruits and vegetables in technology city, what water should I use to irrigate them?" Lorne looked at the large bag of seeds in his hand and asked the system anxiously.

"Host, you can dig a well in the greenhouse and upgrade it with points."

"You still need points. Can't you give it to me for free?" Lorne asked in dissatisfaction when he heard the system's reply.

"This isn't within the service range of the system," the mechanical voice of the system said in Lorne's head.

"Fine, you win."

Lorne felt a little helpless. Even if he did not grow fruits and vegetables, he had to consider his drinking water.

The water that he had exchanged for with crossbows were only enough for a short period.

"I can make some tools to create the water drawing device, then I just need to upgrade it with points."

After pondering over the soil for a long time, Lorne finally gave up on the idea of digging a well by himself.

His small arms and legs could not complete this task.

After a good while, he finally thought of this method. Although it would cost him some points, the problem of water would finally be solved.

Lorne went to the R & D center and took out the wood that was leftover after making the crossbows.

First, he made a rough wooden bucket. Then, he made a wooden shovel.

He knew that the wood could be of great use in the shelter, so he had collected a lot.

He came to the greenhouse and looked at the soil in the greenhouse.

Lorne started to dig a hole with his shovel and put the bucket down. The water drawing equipment that he had imagined was complete.

Then, Lorne focused on his masterpiece.

Lorne did not know if this method would work, but he could only give it a try.

Fortunately, a line of words quickly appeared in Lorne's sight.

[Useless Water Drawing Device]

[Water Drawing Efficiency: 0ml / day]

Upgrade direction: Deepen the well hole to draw water (10 points).

Note: Does the host want to fill this wood with the water in his brain?

Lorne felt somewhat embarrassed when he read the notation on the interface.

But after seeing the upgrade plan provided by the system, he instantly became happy. He knew that this method was useful. Although he needed to use 10 points, he could still afford it.

Lorne quickly chose to upgrade the device.

With his confirmation, the pit in front of him began to glow.

A few seconds later, the light disappeared and the pit in front of Lorne turned into a deep pit. Water flowed out from the bottom of the pit.

Then, Lorne looked at the newly upgraded water drawing device.

[A simple and crude water drawing device]

[Water Drawing Efficiency: 2000ml / day]

Upgrade direction 1: Upgrade the well's material and increase the sealing and disinfectant function, allowing water to be drunk. (30 points)

Upgrade direction 2: Expand the depth of the well to increase the efficiency of water extraction. (50 points)

Note: If the host does not want to go to the toilet 15 times a day, it is best to choose plan 1.

Lorne was excited to see water flowing out.

However, after observing for a while, he realized that there were too many impurities in the water. The water was yellow in color, and drinking it should be harmful to the human body.

However, he heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the upgrade plan.

Although he needed 30 points, it was still acceptable to deal with the issue of water.

Lorne confirmed the upgrade plan 1.

Soon, the upgrade of the water drawing device was completed. The water looked clear and clean. It was not as crude as the first upgrade.

Lorne drank a glass of the well water and found no unusual taste. It was even slightly sweet. The drinking water crisis was over.

At the same time, Lorne's points decreased from 60 to 20.

Currently, he had enough drinking water. He would wait for his points to be settled today and then slowly accumulate his points before upgrading the water drawing efficiency.


The atmosphere in the command center was extremely solemn.

The commander-in-chief looked at the image transmitted from space on the big screen as all the nuclear bombs rose into the air.

The first nuclear bomb made contact with an asteroid fragment and emitted white light. Then, the other nuclear bombs also hit the asteroid fragments, and the dazzling white light quickly covered all the screens.

After a few seconds, the screens were restored to normal. From the images, it could be seen that the previous three asteroid fragments had all been hit by nuclear bombs.

The three fragments were burning fiercely, like a fireball that was slowly expanding. Soon, they would turn into powder.

Seeing this scene, the people in the command center were slightly excited, because this was the result of nuclear bombs hitting the asteroid fragments.

At this moment, one of the researchers said, "There is something wrong with the power output."

Before the researcher finished speaking, everyone saw that the fireballs on the live stream only shattered into smaller fireballs and accelerated towards Earth.

"What's going on?" Several leaders roared angrily. Their hope was extinguished right before their eyes.

"I know, it's because nuclear bombs can't be detonated at the same time. Therefore, when the first nuclear bomb hit the asteroid fragment, it detonated and destroyed all the activation devices of the nuclear bombs that came later, causing the nuclear bombs that came later to not explode. That's why the power seems so small. This is because we didn't have the experience of triggering multiple nuclear bombs at the same time."

The researcher quickly figured out the reason.

"Is there any other solution?" The commander-in-chief asked the researcher with a somewhat distressed tone.

"I am very sorry, but there is nothing we can do now. We have already used all of our nuclear reserves on Plan C."

"Even if we have nuclear bombs, the current distance does not allow us to carry out nuclear attacks," the researcher said with a pained expression.

"Announce it to the whole world. Let the people begin to enter the shelters. Now it's time to preserve the fire of humanity."

"In addition, our researchers will work harder and calculate the various impacts of the asteroid fragments. We need to calculate as many things as we can and minimize the human casualties.

After saying that, the commander-in-chief slumped into his chair like a deflated ball.

This was a crisis that concerned the entire human race. The news, television, and news were all broadcasting this news.

The shabby little radio station in Lorne's house received the same broadcast.

Upon hearing the voice coming from the radio station, Lorne's initial joy of resolving the water crisis vanished without a trace. Was disaster finally coming?