Government Response

The government research shelter.

At this moment, the researchers were checking the environmental effects of the meteorite crashing.

"The temperature outside will soon drop to -7 °C," a researcher in charge of monitoring the outside temperature reported to his supervisor.

"This is troublesome," a top meteorologist said solemnly.

"Is there going to be trouble again?" The commander-in-chief saw the meteorologist's serious expression and his tone changed.

"-7 °C is only the beginning. Next, the cold air in the sky will form convection flow. The atmosphere will be affected by this, and the temperature will continue to decrease."

"If our shelter didn't have heating equipment, it might become a small popsicle the next day."

This meteorologist seemed to be in a more optimistic mood. At this moment, he even gave the commander a metaphor, but the commander did not feel better because of his metaphor.

"Do the government shelters have heating equipment?" The commander-in-chief asked the person in charge of the branch logistics.

"Only our research shelter's heating equipment is the most complete. The other shelters are only installed with the most basic heating equipment," that person replied to the commander.

"Mobilize all the resources we can and strengthen the heating equipment in the other government shelters. Prepare for the cold weather," the commander-in-chief ordered.

"Yes." The logistician nodded and went to prepare.

"Have our communications system and communications base station been repaired?" the commander asked another head staff.

"With our hard work during this period, the communications system will be repaired by tomorrow. We have also established complete protective measures in various communication stations."

"So, from tomorrow onwards, we can release information to the outside world. The outside world will also know the various measures the government has taken," the person in charge of the communications said to the commander.

"Is there any important information about the law-enforcement team exploring outside?" The commander-in-chief's eyes lit up with satisfaction when he heard the reply from the in-charge. He then asked another question.

"There are some small gains. The enforcement team found a meteorite fragment outside and brought it back for our researchers to check."

"Researchers found that this meteorite is different from any previous meteorite we tested. The energy contained in this meteorite is very complicated."

"But the energy of this meteorite is very high-level. It seems like it can be used anywhere, but our researchers have yet to find a way to use this energy," the commander-in-chief's assistant said to him.

"Seems like this calamity is not ordinary. I hope we can endure this." The commander sighed.

"The real disaster is far from just this!" At this moment, an old man in a researcher's outfit walked in and said to the commander.

"Dr. Zhang, what happened?" This Dr. Zhang was a very famous biological researcher.

Before the apocalypse, the commander-in-chief had specially invited Dr. Zhang to study the problem of biological reproduction after the apocalypse.

However, Dr. Zhang usually stayed in his research studio to do research, and rarely walked out of the laboratory. Now, for some reason, he came outside and said something terrifying.

"Dr. Zhang, did you discover anything from your research?" asked the commander.

"According to the information I asked the law-enforcement team to scout outside, as well as some specimens brought back by the law-enforcement team, we have finally confirmed that some strange creatures that we did not know about have appeared in this world."

"It is not easy to describe. Let's go to my laboratory and take a look." Dr. Zhang seemed to feel that his words were not enough to persuade everyone, so he asked everyone to go to his laboratory.

Dr. Zhang's laboratory.

"This is a live specimen we captured from a monstrous creature group after sacrificing two people."

Dr. Zhang pointed to a creature locked in the laboratory. If Lorne were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this creature was the large-mouthed monster he had killed.

"After our many experiments, we have deduced that these creatures have a strong bloodthirstiness. They will attack all creatures they think can be eaten, including humans."

"Moreover, although their limbs are very short, their mobility is very fast, and their bite force is very astonishing, even able to bite through steel."

"How did such a strange creature appear?" The commander asked Dr. Zhang.

"We have yet to discover the specific reason, but we think there is a high probability that these creatures arrived on Earth alongside the meteorites."

"Then is there any way we can fight these creatures?" asked the commander.

"Fortunately, we can still use firearms. Firearms are still very threatening to them. That is why we were able to capture a live specimen."

"But this doesn't rule out the possibility that these monsters will slowly evolve to the point of not being afraid of firearms."

"Dr. Zhang, are you talking about evolution? Why are you so sure that these creatures will slowly evolve?" The commander asked in surprise.

"First of all, as a biologist, evolution has always been the correct conclusion. This is because all kinds of creatures will slowly evolve."

"Are you saying that because of the changes in the environment, it will slowly evolve to adapt to the environment?"

"Although I want to see the evolution you're talking about, the experiment results tell me that it's not." Dr. Zhang directly refuted the commander's words.

"The moment this monster appeared, we captured some ordinary creatures in the outside world to compare."

"We wanted to prove that this monster originally evolved from a creature on Earth, but it turned out not to be so. However, in our research, we discovered another interesting phenomenon."

"The creatures on Earth have also undergone some changes after the meteorite disaster. Their basic strength attributes and various attributes are slowly improving."

"This growth might not be obvious, but we can still find it after our experiments."

"Therefore, this proves that after the meteorite disaster, some unbelievable changes are happening in our world. These changes will cause the creatures on Earth to constantly become stronger."

"Then why can't we humans feel this change?" The commander asked.

"When I learned that the creatures were changing, I also began to notice this problem." Dr. Zhang seemed to be very satisfied with the question raised by the commander.

"Because according to the theory, if other creatures advanced, there's no reason why humans could not evolve. Therefore, I invited a member of the law-enforcement team to cooperate with my experiment."

"After many comparisons, we found that the physical fitness of the law-enforcement officer has also increased, but the increase is far from that of these animals."

"Is the heavens really going to wipe out the humans?" When the commander heard Dr. Zhang's words, he couldn't help but feel despair.

"No, no, no. Although the matter seems very serious, it's far from reaching despair. When we were dissecting the strange creatures, we found a crystal core in their minds."

"This kind of crystal core contains an energy that can comprehensively improve the physique of a human. As long as we can find a way to use this energy, our physique can also be greatly enhanced."

Seeing the commander in chief's despair, Dr. Zhang told him the good news.

"Dr. Zhang, is there anything we can help you with?" Dr. Zhang's words gave the commander a glimmer of hope, so he quickly asked him.

"We need more monster specimens for us to experiment with. Because there's only one crystal core this time, we don't dare to experiment freely," Dr. Zhang said to the commander.

"From now on, the law-enforcement team will go out every day to help you capture live specimens or corpses of monsters. I hope you can quickly figure out a way to use this crystal core."