The Brother and Sister Who Want to Leave

"He ate it. I saw him eat with my own eyes." There was no sign of Maureen's previously shy expression as she sat on Mark's thigh and said seductively to him.

"This person seems to have a lot of supplies in his car. Can I choose a portion first?" Maureen pressed her chest against Mark and said to him greedily.

"That will depend on your performance," Mark said lustfully.

Maureen heard Mark's words and winked at him. Then she stood up from Mark's lap and crouched under him, moving her head against his d*ck.

Originally, there was only Mark here. But after surviving the disaster, Mark saw creatures beginning to mutate. He knew that the world had changed.

With his years of fighting experience, Mark killed a few mutated creatures and forced many people to submit to him.

He believed that he was the king of this territory and everyone had to listen to him. If someone resisted him, Mark would let them have a taste of the power of the shotgun in his hand.

The people that Lorne had seen in the hall were subdued by Mark one by one. They relied on the convenience of this rest stop to act as the staff and robbed many survivors who came to refuel.

It was Mark who had seized Maureen. That day, a short and fat upstart came to the rest stop with a sports car. Originally, he had only wanted to rob this upstart's food.

But while the man was refueling the car, Mark saw Maureen sitting in the passenger seat. She was very beautiful and was wearing an expensive dress. This aroused Mark's desire.

Mark had used the same excuse as he used on Lorne to make this upstart come in and rest for a while before preparing drugged food for him. The upstart probably didn't expect such a thing to happen at this rest stop, so he fell for it.

When the upstart and Maureen woke up, they realized that they were tied up.

That night, Mark brought Maureen to his room. Maureen knew what kind of person the man in front of her was, but she was not displeased. She had also realized that the world had changed.

Maureen also knew that she had to rely on the strong to survive and live more comfortably. Anyway, she was already relying on that upstart for her expenses.

So Maureen was very cooperative with Mark. The two of them spent a passionate night together.

Later on, Mark used this method to take in many people at the rest stop. He also encountered several monster attacks.

As for the people Mark had kidnapped, if they were willing to be loyal to him, Mark would let them stay. If they resisted desperately, Mark would kill them or throw them to the monsters.

Mark was very ruthless. He was also very tall and buff. Add a shotgun on top of that, everyone here was very afraid of him.

After taking in some people, Mark became an emperor-like existence. He could give food to whoever he wanted.

At first, some people resisted, thinking that his distribution of the items was uneven. But soon, Mark sent this person to see God and threw the corpse to the monsters.

When the others saw the tragic outcome of the person Mark killed, their hearts were filled with fear. From then on, no one dared to oppose Mark's words. They would do whatever Mark told them to do.

Lorne, who had been thinking in his room for a while, secretly walked out with the Desert Eagle.

The rest stop was quite large, so almost everyone could have a small room for themselves. Some people were gathered in the living room.

Lorne quickly passed through the living room without letting anyone notice him and went to a small room. He knocked on the door three times and waited for a while before the door was opened.

The person who appeared in front of Lorne was the boy who had brought him into the rest stop. There was also a woman standing beside him.

"What do you have that will interest me?" Lorne asked the boy when he saw the door open.

This little boy knew how to lip talk. When the boy went to meet Lorne, he had said something. It was this sentence that made Lorne put down the gun and follow the little boy into the rest stop.

'Save me, I have something you're interested in.'

"Do you need the stones in the monsters' heads?" the boy asked when he heard Lorne's question.

"How did you know the monsters have a stone in their heads? And you realized that I need those stones?" Lorne was becoming more and more interested in the boy.

"I saw this kind of stone in your bag, so I guessed you were looking for it," the boy said to Lorne as he took out a crystal core from his pocket.

"I see. I thought you could read minds," Lorne looked at his bag and thought helplessly.

It seemed that he would have to exchange for a portable space. Fortunately, he had encountered ordinary people this time. If he ran into those who knew the use of crystal cores, they would inevitably be tempted by his wealth.

"You're right, I do need crystal cores. Then, what do you want me to do for you?" Lorne asked the boy, not looking at the crystal core in his hand.

Although he saw the crystal core, the level 1 crystal core in the boy's hand was not enough to arouse his interest. What really interested him was the boy himself.

When Lorne saw this boy, it was as if he saw his old self. Furthermore, this boy's adaptability was not bad. Therefore, he had the idea of bringing the boy to his own shelter.

All he had to do now was test him. If the boy satisfied his criteria, he planned to take the boy with him.

After witnessing the power provided by the crystal core and knowing that the government also knew the usage of the crystal cores, Lorne felt that it was time for him to nurture some trusted aides.

"Save me. I want you to kill Mark, get us out of here, and give us some food. Once we're sure it's safe, I'll give you this."

The boy told him his condition.

"Saving you? Aren't you living well here? Why do you need me to save you?" Lorne was puzzled.

"Don't be fooled by Mark's current appearance. He is a robber."

"I was a resident of the nearby shelter. That day, my parents and I came here to refuel. We were also deceived by Mark's appearance and were tied up."

"He robbed us of all the food in our car and forced us to stay here and listen to his orders. If we don't obey, he'll kill us."

The boy told Lorne why he was at this rest stop.

"Mm, to be honest, I do pity you. But this crystal core in your hand is not enough for me to help you leave this place. Moreover, I even have to give you food?"

"Then, what do you need to save us?"

Lorne did not believe this. The boy had only been kidnapped and did not even look to have suffered, and he wanted to leave with a stranger?

"I still want to know why you want me to kill Mark? It doesn't seem like there's much harm in you guys staying here. Although Mark kidnapped you, he is providing you with food."

"Mark killed my parents," the boy said through gritted teeth.

"Then why didn't he kill you?"

"Mark is a pervert. After he killed my parents, I immediately fought him. However, Mark was too strong. He knocked me out in an instant and even left me alive."

"There are so many people here, why does he have to keep you alive?"

"This is what makes Mark so perverted. He wants me to see him every day. I can't kill him, so his perverted desires are satisfied."

"After that, I would always plan how to take Mark's life. But every time, he would see through me and beat me up."

The little boy's face distorted as he spoke. He was gritting his teeth so hard that it seemed like they would break.