Monster Siege

Mark quickly breathed his last. His corpse was ravaged, but Dewey still kept on venting his anger on the corpse.

Lorne, who had been watching from the side, narrowed his eyes and looked outside the rest stop. His muscles began to tense.

"Monsters! Monsters! There are so many monsters outside!" A person who was standing guard outside the door scrambled in and shouted at the people inside.

The people in the room were shocked. They quickly walked to the window and looked outside.

There were over a hundred monsters outside the rest stop, and mutated animals were also gathering from all directions.

"Alright, it's time for us to leave." Lorne stopped Dewey, who was venting his anger on Mark.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" Lorne picked up Mark's shotgun and took the bullets from the dead Mark and said to Dewey.

"Yes." Dewey nodded affirmatively. The operation of the shotgun was not complicated. All he had to do was load the bullets and pull the trigger.

Dewey took the shotgun and walked to his sister's side. He looked very fierce.

After watching Dewey kill Mark and now holding a gun, the others suddenly felt that Dewey was even fiercer than Mark.


The shattering of the glass downstairs seemed to be a signal, letting the people resting on the second floor know that death was coming.

"Follow behind me while I clear the path. If there is a monster that I did not hit, you will blast its head with your gun. We will charge out now," Lorne said to Dewey.

"Sir, please save us. Can you bring us along?" When the others in the room heard that Lorne was going to bring Dewey and his sister out, they blocked Lorne and begged him to bring them out.

"My ability is limited, and I can't bring many people with me. You need to fend for yourselves." Lorne ignored their pleas. If he were to bring so many people out, he would undoubtedly die here.

"Sir, save us. Save us." They immediately knelt at the entrance of the room and blocked his path.


Seeing that these people did not know what was good for them and even dared to block his path, Lorne immediately picked up his Desert Eagle and blew up the leader's head.

"Anyone who dares to block my way will end up like him," Lorne roared at the remaining people with the Desert Eagle.

When the others saw that Lorne had killed a person without a word, they immediately spread out and did not dare to block his path.

"Let's go. Remember to follow me closely." Lorne said to Dewey, who was behind him, and walked out.

"What should we do? The monsters are about to rush in." The remaining survivors began to discuss.

"We can follow him. He didn't say we can't follow them," one of the survivors suggested.

"Will he kill us?" a survivor said worriedly.

"How can he have the time to fight us when we're outside? He has to focus on killing the monsters. No matter what, we can't just sit here and wait for the monsters to come and eat us." The survivor took an iron rod and walked out.

The remaining people followed after him.


A monster charged to the top of the stairs and saw Lorne. It immediately pounced on him.

Lorne raised the Desert Eagle and aimed at the monster's head, killing it. Lorne did not panic when facing such a monster.

He realized that this monster was different from the first monsters he saw. It was not fast.

So he instructed Dewey, "This monster is not fast. You can shoot them easily. Remember, you are the last barrier to protect your sister. If I miss a monster and you don't deal with it, only death awaits you both."

Dewey nodded fiercely. He glanced at his sister. He absolutely could not let her be hurt. She was the only family he had now.

"The other people are also following us. They seem to want to go out with us. Should we chase them away?"

When Dewey turned around, he realized that the survivors in the room were following behind the three of them.

"Don't worry about them. They will only die if they follow us."

After saying that, Lorne continued to open the path.

Bang bang bang bang bang.

The muzzle of Lorne's gun did not stop for a moment. He aimed at the monsters which charged at him and pulled the trigger, blowing their heads up.


Dewey did not stay idle either. He used his shotgun to bombard the monsters that were approaching him.

"Didn't I say we can follow them? Let them open the path for us. We just have to follow them," the person who suggested following Lorne said proudly.

"We just have to hang on like this and let them work for us. That way, we can get out."

"Haha, that's right, just let them work hard for us!" The remaining people also echoed this person.

Thick black blood kept splashing onto the protective suit on Lorne's body. The sight was bloody like hell.

"Boss, those people are taking advantage of us." Dewey saw the group of people following behind him and said angrily to Lorne.

"Don't worry about them. They will regret it soon," Lorne replied without even looking back.

These monsters had a number advantage, but they seemed to have some intelligence and didn't charge forward blindly. When they saw they could not win against Lorne, they began to attack him in an organized manner, distracting him. Meanwhile, the other monsters circled around him.

"Ahhhh!" The screams of the 'lucky' survivors quickly followed.

"It's not that easy to take advantage of me," Lorne mumbled. Then, he ignored the screams and focused on dealing with the monsters.

He pushed his gun combat arts to the limits. His stamina also began to drain faster.

Fortunately, he had brought quite a number of Desert Eagle bullets with him, or he would really not have enough.

Originally, Lorne could have charged out alone without even using a weapon, but because he had to protect Dewey and Sally, he was using a gun because it had a larger range.

Behind Lorne, blood was constantly spurting out. Those monsters were fighting to devour the corpses of the survivors.

They didn't care which part they ate and bit anything they got. Some monsters even put their mouths on the ground, drinking the human blood that was flowing on the ground. Sally looked at the bloody scene behind her and turned pale in fright.

Perhaps because the survivors behind had attracted some monsters, the pressure on Lorne's side decreased greatly. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he broke through the encirclement and arrived in front of his SUV.

Lorne quickly opened the car door, took out the M4A1 he had put in the driver's seat, and fired at the monsters. The fast speed of the M4A1 soon cleared a space in front of him.

"Quick, you two sit behind me." Lorne shouted at the siblings as he shot at the monsters charging at him.

The siblings quickly reacted. Taking advantage of the momentary empty space, they opened the door and got into the back of the SUV.

Lorne quickly got into the driver's seat.


The powerful engine of the off-road vehicle roared.