1 year ago at the entrance to Grimoria.

"It looks like I'm going to meet dragons, I'm really curious about what I'll find inside this portal" says Zaitra.

'It will also be my first time in Grimoria' says Una.

"I thought you already entered Grimoria" says Zaitra confused.

'I never went in... but one of my father's friends was half dragon because he had made a complete contract with a glacial dragon' says Una.

"I see, let's get going then!" says Zaitra.

Then Zaitra passes through the portal and enters the sacred land of the Fire Dragons, Grimoria. She then comes across a vast world full of mountains, fields, lakes, rivers, volcanoes and huge dragons flying around and walking around, so a relatively small dragon ends up going to them.

"You must be the one Lord Ares spoke of, please follow me" says the mysterious dragon.

"Okay…" says Zaitra completely surprised.

Zaitra is then taken to where the Dragon King and Queen are, which is on top of the tallest mountain in Grimoria. When they arrived there Zaitra is faced with an entire super advanced city with humanoid beings with draconic characteristics, Zaitra is then taken to the royal palace where the King and Dragon Queen are, after entering the palace she is warmly received by the king.

"You must be the one my great friend Ares talked about so much! Welcome to the beautiful land of Grimoria! I am Kalavros the Dragon King and this is my wife Valcrucia the Dragon Queen" says the Dragon King excitedly.

"It's a great honor and a great pleasure to be in Grimoria and meet the Dragon King and Queen!" says Zaitra as she bows.

"O heavens! No need to bow my girl, we don't have that custom here" says the Dragon Queen embarrassed.

"Forgive me for the misunderstanding then" says Zaitra as she bows again.

"Let's forget about this nonsense and get straight to the point!" says the Dragon King.

"Right" says Zaitra.

Zaitra is then introduced to the huge capital of Grimoria, the city of Jultor. After getting to know the capital better the Dragon King shares with Zaitra knowledge about the past, about the power of flames which is a power derived from fire dragons.

"A long time ago a very generous and powerful young mage appeared, she then decided to collect the power essence of various Divine Beasts, Monsters and omnipotent beings and then decided to distribute the powers among several of her companions the so-called "Divine Masters". She decided to give them immortality by creating with her body and soul the "Divine Tree", that just concentrated all her Magic on that tree then giving whoever ate a fruit from this tree a more resistant body than the "Bazalter", so she ended up creating a "New" race, the race of Gods" says the Dragon King.

'Not even I knew that' says Una.

"Ares also told me about you ancient Supreme Goddess or rather Una" says the Dragon King.

'He can read your mind?' asks Una to Zaitra

'I think Ares just told him about you being inside me...' says Zaitra to Una.

"Anyway, is that all you have to tell me about the past?" asks Zaitra.

"No... Continuing what I was saying, after the new race of Gods was created, this dimension was blocked by the God Tree or rather by the Magic of the God Tree" says the Dragon King.

"What do you mean this dimension was blocked?" asks Zaitra.

"She was blocked from contact with the Eaters of Dimensions, beings that destroy and devour dimensions for fun, this young mage after defeating one of them and discovering that there are thousands of them had to protect her dimension somehow, so she went from dimension to dimension collecting the power essences of various entities and together with their magic created the Divine Realm, the Divine Tree and derivatives" says the Dragon King.

"But how do you know all this?" asks Zaitra.

"Because I was one of the Divine Beasts she came after, but we made a deal where if she managed to transfer our world to her dimension, we would deliver an essence of power to her" says the Dragon King.

"So there are multiple power essences?" asks Zaitra.

"Yes, a power essence is basically the life source of a being, it is the origin of a being and the power or powers that reside in the origin of a being, in our case were the power essences of the ancient King and the ancient Dragon Queen" says the Dragon King.

"Interesting" says Zaitra.

After the Dragon King finished passing on his knowledge of the past he invited Zaitra to have dinner with the Grimoria royal family and rest as in the coming days and months she would begin her training.