Meanwhile in Grimoria, Zaitra asks the Dragon King to send someone to earth to see if her parents and companions are ok, the Dragon King then sends one of his fastest messengers to earth which is in the Lost Universe number 50 or Floor No. 50, the floor that Grimoria is on is floor No. 128. Until floor 70 all floors are under the dominion of some God and his army or the supreme army. So it took 1 month in Grimoria for the messengers to go ashore.

We are now back in the present, 6 months after Zaitra's arrival in Grimoria. Zaitra and the Dragon King prepare to make the complete contract.

"So. recapping a few things, i hold a lot of star power which is due to the star cultivation technique, through which you turn the power of the star into your power" says the Dragon King.

"And if a living thing quickly absorbs the power of 30 stars at the same time, it becomes visible to the Devourers" says Zaitra.

"That's right, and what does a Devourer do if he can detect a living being cultivating that level of power quickly?" asks the Dragon King.

"The Devourer will hunt this living being and Devour and/or destroy the entire universe/floor where this living being lives or resides" says Zaitra.

"Your memory is very good these last few days Zaitra, i wonder how much you have been reading in our library" says the Dragon King.

"Hehe, the books here contain a lot of cool and interesting stories, not to mention the techniques i learned" says Zaitra.

"Remembering that i will have to separate my power into 2 cubes of power essence, once we complete the full contract you will be able to eat 1 cube of power essence… as you are currently with the power of 50 Gods as soon as you consume the first cube you will leap into the power of 90 Lesser Gods" says the Dragon King.

"After how long will i be able to consume the second cube?" asks Zaitra.

"After 1 hour" says the Dragon King.

"You have the power of 89 God Kings, so why won't I jump to that Rank straight away?" asks Zaitra.

"Because half of my power will be used so that the complete contract doesn't destabilize, since a complete contract with a Divine Beast doesn't have a high amount of power to stabilize the process... it can take months or even years to finish the contract" says the Dragon King.

"I understand… and also as i have more power than my body can handle, i can use the amount of accumulated power to speed up the process even more, i think we managed to successfully complete it in 1 hour" says Zaitra.

"Hmmm… 1 hour might be too fast, but if you're right then it will be very impressive" says the Dragon King.

Meanwhile at the entrance to the Royal Palace of Grimoria.

"WHERE IS ZAITRA??!!!!" asks the messenger desperately.

Then the Queen who was nearby notices a commotion at the palace door and goes to see what is happening.

"For Godrick's sake what's going on here?" asks the Dragon Queen after arriving at the palace entrance.

"Your majesty, your majesty… i-i-i bring bad news from the l-land!!" says the messenger.

"More about the land or Zaitra's parents and companions?" asks the Dragon Queen.

"Both…!!!" says the messenger.

Meanwhile Zaitra and the Dragon King begin the full contract process.

"They've already started the contract, we can only wait now, and hope that nothing happens to Zaitra's parents and companions in the meantime..." says the Dragon Queen to the messenger.

At the same time on earth. In the huge garden of the Palace of Versailles, George, Kaisel, Hatsu, Lovent and Maria are about to be executed by the Rank Z Ranker Executioner whose power is weapons manipulation, and the execution is being broadcast all over the world. The Martial Guild prepares for one last attack on the Assassin Guild directly at the Palace of Versailles where Maximus and most of the Guild's Rankers are gathered for execution.