The next day Zaitra decides to go to the mountains at night to cultivate below the beautiful starry sky.

"Tonight is more starry than usual… i wonder why but it doesn't matter much, i need to cultivate Star Energy and get stronger in order to take my revenge and make my dream come true..." says Zaitra looking at the sky as she sits down.

Zaitra then activates the Star Awareness skill and connects with all the stars present on the Floor, but as she cultivates a mysterious voice speaks in her mind.

'Hey kid, why do you have 3 powers and dominate the stars on top of that?' asks the mysterious voice in Zaitra's mind.

"What?? Who's talking??" asks Zaitra confused.

'I asked first, and on top of that i realize that there are 2 more souls inside you and that you have 2 physical bodies... you are interesting, if you want to get really strong come to where i am, i imagine you call it Floor No. 1' says the mysterious voice.

"What do you mean? Why would i do that???" asks Zaitra again confused.

But the mysterious voice no longer responds, Zaitra then gives up on cultivating and returns to her palace.

Meanwhile at Ares Castle.

"Supreme Army… Supreme God… i wonder how Zaitra is doing right now" says Telos with a sad expression.

"I wonder the same brother… but what we can do now is get stronger to protect those we love" says Delos looking at Telos.

"You guys say that stuff but it seems like you're used to stuff like that..." says Michael with a sad expression.

"Actually, the fact that our planet was destroyed and that before that our companions were massacred and tortured to death has not yet sunk..." says Telos.

"It's true… we're still not able to process everything that happened, i imagine the same is happening to you… i think once we meet Zaitra, tears and tears will flow non-stop..." says Delos.

"I just hope she can handle everything that's going on with her, it's a lot for her to deal with, and still having a huge weight on her back" says Michael.

"You're right… but she knows more than we do that getting stronger is what matters now, just so she can cry without worrying about being weak…" says Delos.

At that moment Ares arrives in their room.

"I see you're not sleepy..." Ares says as he opens the door.

"Master!" says Telos, Delos and Michael as they stand and pay their respects to Ares.

"You don't need all this ceremony, i came here to see how you were doing because of the things that have been happening… but don't be sad, i'll take you to the best brothel in Fragenia for you to have some fun!!" says Ares.

"Okay..." says Telos without reaction.

"We didn't expect this one… but let it be as the master wishes, LET'S GO TO THE BROTHELS!!!!" says Delos excitedly.

"YEAAAH!!" shout Telos and Michael excitedly.