The Golden Blades!

We didn't stay for long in the magnificent port city.

Instead, we left Captain Saylor with the sailors and the Orcani behind and our small group set out toward 'home', as Sir Galen and his group called it.

In total, our contingent comprised 6 of my Uncle's soldiers; 12 of our soldiers; 24 of the refugees; 8 knights; Sia; Ares; Damon; Celine; and I.

Discounting Sir Galen and his group, we had exactly 50 people left of the grand escape.

A bitter feeling in my mouth; We rode on carriages with fast horses that clip clopped their way to our destination.

A week later, we were there.

The city of Yamal.

It was a small city that was laid out in bare militaristic fashion, with cream-colored buildings made of bricks that seemed to absorb the gazes of our group.

Breathing in, I smelled various spices drifting through the air and a sharp tang of something bitter.

Letting out my breath, I felt the air around me solidify into a congealed mass of…. resolution for want of a better word.

Leaving our carriages outside the main gate, we walked in as the guards respectfully received Sir Galen, and they quartered us in a big house with a large well with the sweetest water that I have ever drunk.

Then there was food, a lot of it, and I gorged myself as hushed conversations took place around me.

Looking around as silence fell, I saw everyone was getting ready again and changing into their best clothes.

In the case they didn't have any good clothes, thoughtful attendants had already placed... robes (?) of some kind on the dressers and beds of our respective rooms.

Shrugging on the robes, I marvelled at how soft the material was and at how weightless it was as it lay against my skin.

Feeling it rustle against me as I moved, I stretched myself through a series of poses and satisfied that it didn't hinder my mobility - despite covering me considerably.

I moved outside and then stood slack jawed as Sia emerged, a pale yellow coat over her white trousers.

As she coughed to remind me to come back to reality, I reddened and looked away quickly before stammering out, "You look great in that."

Smiling, she pinched my arm and as I jumped; she pulled me outside where everybody had gathered.

I thought we were going to visit someone in the city.

But we exited the city and taking carriages - We travelled for half a day toward the north.

In the distance, we saw an old castle that stood proudly, lying squat on the surface of the yellow land.

Then a cloud of dust was approaching us and cavalry surrounded us with spears pointed at us before a man dismounted and walked toward Sir Galen and hugged him hard, before hugging Dame Bathory, Sir Faaris, and Sir Chase.

He then turned to us and whispered a few words to Sir Galen at his side, who spoke rapidly, nodding as he did.

As the conversation continued, the man's face sank before he raised a hand and ran it over his face.

Turning, he faced north-west and in a swift movement, unsheathed his sword and held it up vertically for a long moment in a Knight salute.

Salute finished, he sheathed his sword, turned to us and bowed. "My name is Ashur. Pardon my rudeness in not greeting you first." he said with a smile on his face.

Sir Leonidas bowed in return before calmly saying, "It is no rudeness at all to greet comrades that have been gone for a long time. Please do not apologise,"

Smiling, Sir Ashur made a hand gesture and the cavalry immediately formed up in front of our carriages and then he vaulted onto his own horse, and we were heading toward the castle again.

As we crossed the gate of the castle proper and into the bailey, Sir Ashur turned to us and bowed again before saying, "Welcome to Maeqil Castle. Poorly named it might be, but to us, it holds a significant meaning. Come, our leader awaits you."

Nervous now, I followed after everybody as I thought of the leader we were going to meet.

I had learned on the journey that the city of Yamal and Maeqil Castle that we were in belonged to the Golden Blades, of which Sir Galen and his group were a part of.

There was little to be said about the combat ability that they had displayed so far, and now we were meeting the leader of this formidable mercenary group.

Also, I had never heard of mercenaries owning a city and castle before, something which made me even more curious about this mysterious leader.

Then we were in the great hall where men and women stared at us from the sides with dangerous looking spears held in their hands.

In front of us, a few steps led to a simple wooden chair on which a man, average in height, and yet with a giant imposing presence, sat with a red long spear across his legs.

He had on a golden mask that covered everything except for his eyes.

Looking down upon us, the visible part of his eyes narrowed as he rapped his fingers against the arm of the chair.

Striding forward, my brother went down on one knee as he greeted, "Hail to the Lord of the Golden Blades. I come bearing gifts and thanks from the House of Drayke."

"Rise," the man said quietly.

My brother stood tall as he gazed at the masked man, who looked back at him with interest.

Then the masked man spoke. "I care not for your gifts. What I am interested in are you and the people standing behind you."

Stiffening, my brother remained silent.

Rising slowly from his seat, the masked man suddenly exuded a sharp presence as the imposing aura was constricted into needle points that stabbed at us.

As we fought the urge to kneel, we stared at the masked man as he walked one step at a time down the stairs while speaking, "I lost three of my best men in your fight. We owed you a favor so I shall not pursue it further."

"However, Galen tells me you seek shelter with us. That he made promises. I will honor them, but I ask you... what can you give?"

My brother stared at the masked man, who looked back at him fearlessly. Then Aaron Drayke said, "I offer you my sword in exchange for shelter."

"Not enough," the masked man said decisively.

"Your terms?" My brother asked evenly.

Pausing, the masked man mused, "Terms.... My terms are simple. Join us."

"No!" my brother said without a moment's hesitation.

A dangerous aura began spreading in the hall, centered around the masked man.

"No?" He said musingly.

Continuing, the masked man thundered out, "Do you know who we are?"

Without waiting for an answer, he bellowed out,

"Who are we?"

The soldiers gathered around us, ground their spears as one and roared out,

"Eosians! Eosians! Eosians!"

"What are we?"

"Eosians! Eosians! Eosians!"

"What will we be?"

"Eosians! Eosians! Eosians!"

Then pointing his red long spear at us, the masked man asked dangerously,

"And what will you be?"

Looking at him, my brother, Aaron Drayke, replied,
