
"So." Sia said, while tapping her foot as she stared at me.

"Ah," I said, as I fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Are you tired, Faust?" Sia asked with concern in her voice.

"Oh," I said, as sweat began running down my back.

"Perhaps, you'd like to lie down…" Sia said, sweetly, before adding "Forever, that is."

"Si-" I began when she cut me off and bellowed; "What do you mean by the 'Maiden's' Faust?"

"Umm, I-" I weakly began again when she held up her hand and said, "You? You what?"

Mustering all of my defence, I eloquently thought of all the arguments that I could bring up and, choosing the best one, I let loose.

"I'm sorry," I said contritely.

"You're sorry. That's great. That's baling great. Now can you tell me why on Protos did you choose the 'Maidens', huh? The 'Maidens'... oh Falka," Sia said as she covered her face with her hand and ran it over from top to bottom.

Wilting underneath her stare, I said meekly, "Well, you're the shield maiden, and you're also leading us. So I thought maidens would be funny."

"Funny," Sia repeated as she kept staring at me.

"Funny," I said as I nodded rapidly, like a chicken.

"Faust… Rule no: 1. You're never to name anything again. Rule no: 2, if there's ever shite to shovel, you're shoveling it. Rule no: 3… I haven't thought of 3 yet." Sia said as her expression eased up and her resemblance to an active volcano began decreasing.

Seizing my chance, I spoke out, "You got to admit… 'Maidens' is pretty funny."

Staring at me for a long moment, Sia's expression cracked as a small smile made its way out and she said, "It is pretty funny."

Capitalizing on it, I swung my arms exaggeratedly as I shouted out in a pseudo-female voice, "Maidens, form the shieldwall. Maidens, get stuck in! Maide-," I trailed off as Sia raised a hand, wincing.

"Faust…" she said.

"Yes, Sia?" I replied.

"Please don't do that again." she said with a serious expression on her face.

Grinning, I looked at her and after a moment; she grinned back as we both started laughing out until we were holding our sides and wheezing.

"Mai-Maid-," I squeezed out.

"Stop! Stop! I can't take it anymore, Stoppp!" Sia cried out as she laughed even harder.

Our laughter came to an end as a distinctly unhappy Sir Liam came to the clearing and stood with his arms crossed as he stared at us.

Straightening, Sia said, "I think it's time."

Wiping away the tears in my eyes, I said, "I think so too."

Then Sia bellowed out for Apollo, and a bright bronze arrow flew into the sky with a piercing sound.

Soon, everybody in the first year class had gathered together in one block as they stood behind Sia; Marrok and I included.

Frowning, Sir Liam watched us gather, after which he said, "Seems like you're quite courageous. Laughing in the Academy so openly. Do you not have enough work?"

Stepping forward, Sia crossed her arms too as she spoke. "We have enough work and I represent all the first years in asking for certain requests."

"Oh," Sir Liam said as his eyebrows shot up.

"Yes Sir. We have three requests to bring up to you."

"What are they?" Sir Liam said with interest in his voice.

"One. We are a free community here. We can do what we like as long as it is within the rules of Yamal Academy, but the rules have to be fair."

Grinning Sardonically, Sir Liam gestured for her to continue.

"Second, we need more materials. Materials that are not spiked with monster lure. If you want us to fight monsters, we'll go to the forest and fight them."

Frowning, Sir Liam raised his hand as he said, "I am very close to losing my temper, girl. Say your next words carefully."

Unfazed, Sia said, "Third. We want weapons. Weapons and armor."

With a black expression, Sir Liam uncrossed his arms and, pointing at us, he slowly said, "You. Forget. Yourselves."

Firmly, Sia spoke. "If our requests are not met, then we are prepared."

Narrowing his eyes, Sir Liam asked, "Prepared to do what?"

Baring her teeth, Sia said, "We are prepared to fight."

Stunned, Sir Liam stared at her for a long moment before he doubled up in laughter.

Struggling to stop his laughter, he spoke. "I'm a gold rank knight, girl. What are you going to fight me with?"

Looking at him with the same expression, Sia remained silent.

Straightening up, Sir Liam looked at all of our determined expressions before he said with a twisted expression, "I refuse all of your three requests. Now, please do fight."

Nodding as if she expected it, Sia called out without turning, "Maidens! Show him what we are!"

"Hooah!" came the cry from behind her as we stepped forward in disciplined ranks.

Quizzically, Sir Liam looked at us before he whispered, "Maidens?". Then shaking his head, he stepped forward too as his gold rank aura flared.

As pressure descended upon us, our march forward was briefly halted before we began pushing through.

Smiling, Sir Liam increased the pressure, and soon some of the Maidens were staggering as they walked forward.

Another few steps, and Sir Liam's smile began dropping as he exerted more pressure on us and people began falling.

But even fallen, they crawled forward.

The smile vanishing, Sir Liam now brought his entire focus to bear as a bloody presence began spreading across the air toward us.

Not even half the distance had been covered till now between us and Sir Liam, and yet we felt like it was a yawning chasm that separated us.

Regardless, we marched on.

Raising his hands, Sir Liam pressed down, and the pressure multiplied by a fold, and we shuddered as blood leaked from our mouths.

At that moment, drawing in a rasping breath, Sia spat out, "Maidens! Stand tall and make your stand!"

"Hooah! Hooah! Hooah!" we bellowed out as loudly as we could.

Then, an invisible blade flashed forth and left a wound on the massive student, who grimaced and pushed on ahead.

Hands changing to fingers that pointed at different people in the mass of students, Sir Liam calmly said, "One more step, and one more cut will be added to your bodies. Do you dare?"

Without a word, we moved forward.

Blood flew into the air as blades shot forth as the 10 targets of the 10 fingers grunted out.

But we advanced.

Stepping forward a step, Sir Galen then truly unleashed his gold rank powers as invisible blades and pressure that seemed like a mountain crushed us into the ground.

But we stood.

We couldn't walk forward, but we stood.

Some fell, but none kneeled.

As time passed, more fell as blood leaked out of their ears and mouths as they fainted.

But we didn't give up.

Then, with an almighty roar, Sia moved forward a step.

Mirroring her, Marrok and I advanced to stand by her side.

Behind us, the Massive student covered Apollo, who gritted his teeth as his blond hair blew in the chaotic wind.

Still roaring, Sia stepped forward again.

Only to pause as Sir Liam said, "You move one step closer. And those boys behind you get all of my blades in turn."

Hesitating, Sia looked back, only for me and Marrok to gently push her forward as Apollo and the massive student came to stand by our sides.

And then the maelstrom of blades flashed forth, and wounds came as we screamed out. But we stood.

Sia trembled as she advanced, but she didn't look back to see who was still with her.

Now visibly hesitating, Sir Liam then pointed all his fingers at Sia, who stared back impassively.

"Move, and you will suffer the same fate." He snarled.

Sia moved.

And the first blade shot forth.

To be blocked by my arm that appeared in front of Sia.

The second blade shot forth.

To be blocked by my body as I moved in front of her.

The third blade shot forth and more blood sprayed as Marrok edged me toward the side and took half the impact on him.

The fourth, fifth, sixth blade shot out, and the massive student was to the left of us, taking the blades with us.

The seventh blade shot out, and Apollo grunted as he stood to the right of us.

The eighth blade never came, as Sir Liam heaved in deep breaths as he stared at the four of us who covered Sia entirely behind us.

Spitting out blood, I grinned as I said, "You aren't getting our maiden as long as we Maidens can still move."

Growling, Marrok signalled his agreement and the massive student, along with Apollo, nodded as they grinned fiercely.

Behind us, Sia stood motionless as she stared at our backs, her fists clenched at her sides.

Unknown to all of us, she made a promise to herself. A promise that would come to pass many, many years later.

A promise that would change the fate of the world.

Then, with a roar, she shouted out, "Maidens! Advance!" and we advanced as Sir Liam stepped back.

For this was our stand.


Staring at the children who lay at his feet, Sir Liam looked at the tear in his sleeve and, slowly touching it, he mumbled absent mindedly, "Maidens. What a baling terrible name."

Then, looking at the rest of the children who lay gasping ahead, he cleared his throat as he spoke.

"Requests. Granted."
