Chapter 17

Her feet and lower legs dragging on the ground, along with the hard grip on each arm, woke Laura. Not a pleasant waking. She roused with her head pounding, her tongue pasty, and her eyes refusing to stay open.

Her lashes were so heavy. It took all kinds of effort to wedge them open and sneak a peek. With each blink, the direness of her situation increased. The clomping steps of the soldiers' big metal boots rang in her ears. Dust being kicked up, and as if noticing it triggered the reaction, she coughed.

The ground transitioned to a metal edge, part of a doorframe. She was dragged past it and carted across the grilled metal flooring.

Whoosh. The door behind closed. The soldiers propped her upright, finally noticing she was awake.

"Stand up straight. Arms out," ordered a robotic voice.

Easy enough to do if she could shake off the lethargy. She waved on her feet, feeling more awake and aware, but with a lingering dullness.