Chapter 23

The wall crumbled, but it took Laura a gaping moment to realize. "I did it."

"Of course, you did. Now stop admiring the big hole and get back to safety," Nikki retorted. She stood by Laura's side while Cam, Gunner, and the others who intended to fight moved into the newly created gap.

As Laura watched, she noticed some shadowy shapes following, slipping through. She knew what they were, wolgars. Which, if she'd understood correctly, belonged to Axel. Kind of. He called them pack. Other people said they were his pet dogs. All she knew was that Fluffy - who'd sauntered back to their camp at one point, to Kylie's delight - didn't like them one bit and snarled every time one came too near.

"I am not staying behind," she huffed.

"Axel will murder me if you get hurt," Nikki snapped.

"And he might get killed if I don't do something to help."

"You promised Axel you wouldn't go inside."