Chapter 25

Snapping forward years later to Haven Dome, the new, if temporary, home for the Wastelanders led by Axel and his eminently capable and good-looking second, Gunner.

"We intersected another Enclave patrol sweeping a little too close," Gunner informed his boss.

Not that Axel liked the word boss. Axel would argue until he ran out of breath that he wasn't a leader, that he preferred to be alone, that people were a pain in his ass. He was also the first guy to literally give the shirt off his back, put his life on the line to help anyone he knew, and a bossy fucker who gave orders all the damned time.

Gunner hoped to one day be half the man Axel was. Only with better hair.

"I told you to stay out of their way."

"They literally ran into us. What did you expect us to do?" Ever since they'd stolen a dome, they'd been dealing with increased Enclave presence. A bad situation, given they were rebels.