Chapter 32

"I don't need help with my size." He sounded rather choked. At least he fell quiet.

Sofia, a smile lurking around her lips, took a moment to study him. It wasn't as if he'd know. His eyes remained bound, and despite his belief she could perform psionic healing, the ravages of his injuries still showed. The scabs were almost ready to fall off. The skin under those that had, pink. He would be free of scars in another week so long as he kept putting on the cream. As for his eyes? Those would depend on the damage to the retinas.

She'd hurt herself pretty badly a few times while learning to survive. Luckily the oasis she'd fallen into possessed mud and herbs with excellent restorative properties. Or was she a latent psionic as he suggested?

Magic his people called it, even as there was nothing magic about it at all. Scientists in the city had measured and documented and written papers about psionic abilities. They had confirmed only Enclave members inherited it.