Chapter 48

"I can't believe you brought him inside," Alfred rebuked. "The number one rule is 'don't take in strangers.'"

"I know." Riella glanced down at the broken and bleeding man, unable to explain why she had ignored a basic safety requirement.

She'd not even known the man was out there until the citadel was partially raised. She'd been impatient to be above the ground and maybe enjoy some actual air and starlight. They didn't dare expose the citadel in daytime when they would be visible. Hiding only worked if no one saw you. Which meant, when she realized he was out there, she'd had a choice.

The easy one being to let nature take its course. Stupid man unprotected in the Wasteland at night. Dinner for the locals.

But then the stranger had glanced at the citadel, given it a good long stare, as if he could see her watching. Not only spot her but condemn her for doing nothing.