Chapter 52

Titan hated her. Riella saw it in his expression, heard it in his words.

The rapid vehemence of it stunned. Would he truly judge her on who had donated half the genes in her body? Because, no matter what she called herself, the Emerald Queen was not a mother.

But Riella didn't have time to explain to Titan and never would. Because he was going to die. Horribly. And she couldn't do a thing about it.

Feeling helpless burned. It hurt almost as bad as losing her arm. She didn't like to be weak, especially in front of her mother. From a young age, when the queen would visit the special nursery for her royal brood, Riella had felt that eye on her, judging. Judging more and harder than the others because of her imperfections. Her mother couldn't see past it to everything else that made her special. Until Mother found a use for her.