Chapter 56

Days later and Riella still couldn't believe she'd escaped the dome. Only once she hit the tunnels without spotting a single Centurion did she relax. In a sense.

Now she would only have to handle the dangers underground. Without Burton.

She could have used her customized tank. At least the bike she'd stolen from the dome fit in the tunnels below the surface. Not that she kept it. She ditched it when she reached one of her stashes. The racer was faster. Speed was of the essence. She had to stay ahead of the queen until she could find a safe spot to hide.

Hurrying still meant taking precautions. She laid false trails at the forks, even doubled her tracks to muddy her direction.

It took her longer than she liked to return to the citadel she'd called home for too long. She stopped just outside of the open garage, the decayed bodies of the spiduses reduced to shriveled hunks on the floor.