Chapter 58

Titan stalked away from his meeting with Riella angry. He held on to that rage, let it bubble inside him for the daughter of his enemy. A liar.

A woman on the run from the queen. A victim in need of his understanding and help. Except she didn't want his help. Didn't need it either.

Seeing her in that lavish room was a reminder she didn't need him at all. Riella had obviously done better than him at getting herself out of the domes in one piece. She'd negotiated his release. Didn't think him capable of getting out on his own.

She kept saving him over and over. And it occurred to him that part of his anger over it had to do with the fact he'd never had a chance to be the hero. Never got to save the girl.

He was fucking jealous because she was better than him and he couldn't handle it.

"Where are you going?" asked the guard keeping pace with him.

"Back to my cell."

"Your cell? But I thought - "