Chapter 64

Riella blinked as Titan barged in, seething mad. Jealous as everything. Totally acting as if he owned her. As if she needed saving.

Amused - and determined to enjoy the show - she feigned shock. "Titan! What are you doing?"

His lip curled back. "Surprised to see me?"

"Actually, I can't believe how long it took you to get here."

"Someone took off with my wheels, and I had to run. It's looking like I shouldn't have bothered."

His anger simmered, and she basked in its heat. She'd never had anyone jealous about her before.

"I didn't leave you behind on purpose. Someone" - she cast a glare at Darius - "drugged me."

"Given the bounty on your pretty head, I thought it best if I absconded first and dealt with questions later." Darius hadn't stopped his enjoyment of the scratching fingers of his robot masseuse. She'd made the machine for him a while ago to help him relax. He didn't look relaxed as he aimed his gun at Titan.