Chapter 67

The things she did for those she loved. Casey missed the days when she and her gang were trying to stay alive in the Ajatarai forest. When it was humans against everything. Where she felt alive, even if she worried she'd get eaten in her sleep.

However, they'd left the woods and its dangers because the displaced crew of almost fifty was offered a place to call home. The abandoned village that Haven had settled into was actually fairly nice once you looked past the neglect and the recent fire. Even nicer once it got cleaned up. Safe, too.

Almost a month here and Casey was bored to tears. Repairing roofs and learning how to build boats for sailing the river wasn't exactly her idea of productive use of her time. Food proved to be plentiful with the fish in the river providing meat and the trees that survived abandonment and fire ripe with fruit. The grass outside the village contained edible bulbs easily dug up.