Chapter 70

If Casey had expected a dining room for just the three of them, she was mistaken. They entered the busiest, noisiest room yet. Just about everyone in there nodded, waved, or shouted a good morning to the king and his daughter.

Casey did her best to remain unnoticed, which didn't do much good given she followed the man drawing all the eyes. With so much focus on them, it would be difficult to spot someone paying undue attention. Damn that Titan. There were half as many people in this room than in Haven itself.

Roark moved to a sideboard set up buffet style. The princess went first, picking at the food, grimacing when her father pointed to something, grinning as she took two round pieces of fruit and then a few crispy pieces of something that might be meat. Whatever it was, when it was her turn, Casey put some on her plate, including the eggs she recognized and a few items she didn't. At least it seemed as if she'd eat well. No slop for her.