Chapter 78

Roark ended the story with the death she'd seen coming from the moment he started. Casey eyed him, her words soft given his daughter slept across the room. "You were the one who killed Charlie's mother."

He hung his head. "She didn't give me much choice."

"I'm not disagreeing with what you did. I'd have done the same. She played you. She would have betrayed you again if given a chance. I'm going to guess Charlie doesn't know."

He shook his head. "She was a baby when it happened. It served no purpose to inform her that her mother was evil."

"Sounds like the Enclave I know in Emerald."

"To this day I don't know how I didn't realize she was Enclave born. Highly placed in the Sapphire court, too."

"Could the attacks be a form of belated revenge?" Her mind worked through the possible ramifications.

"It's possible, although I would have expected it to come much sooner before we got so strong."