Chapter 76

To his credit, Roark didn't squeak and run away at the sound of Cam slapping a fist into a palm. Most people took one look at her glowering brother and bolted, except for Casey of course. She'd been known to hurt him if he tried his intimidation tactics.

The king didn't react in fear, nor did he recoil. He did keep his hands on her back and somehow tucked her into his side. As if she needed tucking. She did, however, need to be held back from her meddling brother.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were cleaning out some ruins," Casey grumbled.

"I came as soon as we were done." His tone implied it was just in time.

Her brother looked mean and imposing, his hair cut short on the sides, but high on top. For twins who supposedly emerged from the same womb - a high-placed breeding one - they looked very little alike. Dark hair and eyes, tan skin, but in every other respect they differed. Especially when it came to personal space.