Chapter 87

He had to be dreaming. Must have misunderstood. Perhaps the duke had played on his weakness while Roark was planting suggestions about them being allies. Could Aqunium have planted something in Casey's head?

Because he couldn't believe Casey would. . .

She dragged him by the hand out of there, not rushing, never her. She held her head high and let them all see her. See the proud tilt of her chin, the confidence in her step.

She was so damned sexy.

They took the box back to the house they'd borrowed it from. Tanzie waited by the tunnel entrance door.

The entire trip back he kept thinking Casey must have just been teasing him. Yet the moment they reached their room, she shut the door and leaned against it. Her eyes glittered, and her lips were wet as if she'd licked them.

"Are you feeling yourself?" he asked.

"I heard as we passed through on our way out that the other times you've decided to show yourself, you always went alone."