Chapter 94

"What happened?" Shereen asked. It was obvious there'd been a fight. The captain had been covered in slime, and Tanzie was wielding some kind of prod Shereen had only seen used in the market.

"Just a touch of bad weather. It's passed."

Shereen wrung her hands as she paced the cabin. "The storm was my fault."

"Are you implying you caused it?" Tanzie asked.

The query brought a snort. "Of course not. I have no psionic ability. It's the whole reason I had to flee. But obviously someone sent a storm mage after me."

"You can't know that for sure. Storms happen sometimes."

Shereen shook her head. "I might not have any kind of power, but I do know when the weather is being manipulated."

"To do what? They need you alive, not dead because they sank the ship you were on."

"Maybe they were using it as a cover to sneak on board?"

"No one snuck on board. The storm has already tried its worse, and guess what? The ship is fine."