Chapter 97

The pounding on the cabin door didn't sound happy. Not in the mood to deal with it - not with her fragile head still ringing with the whispers - Shereen chose to use the viewport, unclipping it and swinging it free from the thick rubber edge.

The captain of the ship stared back. His snarl was quite clear as he said, "Let me in."

"I'd rather not."

"I am getting mighty tired of being locked out of my room, so either open that door or I'll get a torch and cut my way in."

She doubted he'd do that. Still, she opened the door. The only reason she was shutting him out was because she was -

". . .not be pouting."

She blinked at him. "Excuse me?"

"I know that face. It says, 'I'm in here pouting because I can't believe I listened to the voices inside my head.' Which, yes, was dumb, but we've all been there and done that a time or two. Especially after too many at the tavern."

"If you'd not come along, I'd have died."