Chapter 100

When would it happen? When would the lovely serenity they'd sailed into shatter? Because it would happen.

Everything looked just perfect. Too perfect. Too calm. He didn't trust it.

Just before dawn, the Avenger had emerged from the tight crevice unmolested, to Darius's surprise. He'd spent the night tense and waiting for an attack that never came.

Kind of disappointing, actually. It made him feel bad he'd kept Shereen with him, curled up in a chair a better part of the night. He wasn't yet ready to examine why he couldn't bear to have her out of his sight, why he worried he wouldn't be around if they ran into trouble.

They'd passed an uneventful night, and now they'd exited the slim pass. He shook his head in disbelief. He'd found paradise.

He didn't exaggerate.