Chapter 124

Waking up with someone proved different.

Not bad. Just. . .different. And very nice.

Kayda found her cheek snuggled to his chest, his warmth, the steady thud of his heart relaxing. The palm of her hand rested over his mid-section, the muscles forming distinct ridges.

He had an arm curled around her, and he stroked his fingers along her hip, over the blanket, but being aware of them still gave her tingles. She now understood what those tingles could lead to.

Could he feel her blushing as she remembered what happened last night? She'd been possessed by a wanton desire and thrown herself at him. In her desperation she'd made her desires clear while, at the same time, been afraid he'd reject her.

Instead he gave her the most memorable night. She shifted against him, a slow, sensuous rub.

His hand froze, and his voice was a deep rumble as he said, "Morning, beautiful."

"Morning." A husky reply. Was that her talking like that?