Chapter 11: Well Played

Payton tried to calm her nerves as she raised her hand to knock on the door in front of her. She'd been standing in front of this door for the past ten minutes, and she wasn't even sure why she was still there. After a deep breath, she knew this whole thing was stupid.

"At least you still have your pride," she mumbled as she turned to leave.

Karma being the pain the butt that it was chose that exact moment for someone to open the door she'd just turned from. Figured.

"Hey. Can I help you?" the guy at the door asked.

"No, it's fine. Bye."

"Oh! You're Payton! Right?"

Karma wasn't just a pain in the butt, it was a bitch. She sighed and looked at the guy in front of her to see if she knew who it was. She didn't. He was built a lot like Josh, but he had reddish hair in a short, clean cut.

"Finished checking me out? I can wait. Honestly, I don't mind."

"Oh my-"