Chapter 13: Overslept

"Shit!" Josh exclaimed as he sat straight up in bed. This was the second time he'd overslept this semester. He was usually an early riser, but it seemed like something was plotting against him.

Realizing he had less time than he thought, he grabbed his cell and looked up Payton's number. When it went right to voicemail, he hung up without leaving a message, and dialed her room.


"Hailey? It's Josh."

"Oh, hey. Payton's not here."

"Do you know where she is?"

"I'm pretty sure she's at the library. She headed down there this morning, and I haven't seen her. I can try to call her if you want."

"I just tried, and it didn't even ring. I was supposed to pick her up in..." Josh trailed off glancing at the clock, "five minutes. I'm running late, though. Will you tell her I'll be there as soon as I can?"

"How much is it worth to ya?" Hailey teased.

"Just let her know."

"Yeah, yeah. You'll be here ASAP. Got it."

"Thanks, Hailey."

"No, problemo."