Chapter 19: You're Playing With Fire

"Okay, you can stop looking at my boobs anytime now," Payton scolded Josh playfully.

"But they're such nice boobs."

"Okay, keep gawking. It'll give you an excuse when I beat you."

Josh had recently discovered that Payton liked to swim. She didn't just swim for fun, but she swam laps for exercise. It just happened to come up in a conversation when he and his roommates were talking about sports. Wes had blurted out that no one did anything in the water, and Payton spoke up. After that, things got competitive.

"So sorry if I don't believe you, but I just don't see how you'd be able to beat me at anything sports related," Josh had said.

"Because I'm a girl?"

"Not just that. I work out a whole lot more than you do."

Payton stuck a hand on her hip, "Oh, just get over yourself already. I know I can beat you down the pool and back. You think that just because you're majoring in 'sports' that it makes you better than me. Well, it doesn't."