Chapter 28: I Never Meant To Hurt You

Josh paced in the backyard hearing the excuses over and over in his head.

"I didn't mean to."

How the fuck do you not mean to kiss someone? It seemed like black and white to him. You either kiss someone or you don't. Why was he never good enough for anyone? Why did girls have to do this to him? Maybe he'd just have to give up on the whole idea of bringing girls home. It was obvious that he wasn't ever enough; they always wanted to see if the grass was greener on the other side. Fuck this, he was done.

"That was pretty shitty of you," Jackson called from across the yard.

"Fuck you! You have no room to talk."

"I get that you're pissed, but there's nothing to be pissed about. If you'd calm the fuck down for more than two seconds and think with the rational fucking part of your head, you'd see that."

"This is just like before-"

"This is nothing like before," Jackson said cutting him off. "Those other girls didn't give a shit about you. Payton loves you."