Chapter 43: You Wanna Come In?

Seventy-two hours. That's how long Jackson had been off, and it wasn't long enough. He'd thought that going nine months without a day off that three would seem like a jackpot. What he realized that it was just enough to show him what he was missing, and it made him want more. When he'd shown up at work, he thanked his lucky stars that everyone else had shown up too. That would have made the already crappy morning worse if they had to start tracking people down.

While they were in their morning formation, the commander welcomed them back and reminded them about their week of reintegration training, or as some of the more seasoned guys in the unit called it, "Don't Beat Your Wife" class. It was a week's worth of cover your own ass crap ranging in topics from drunk driving to suicide. Putting a bunch of irritable, tired guys in front of a PowerPoint screen wasn't the best way to get them to pay attention, but Jackson was just there to check the box and get out.