Chapter 69: Missed You

Emma was measuring time any way she could. Sophia was a month old. Jackson had been gone three weeks and three days. She'd been keeping herself busy at school, cleaning her place from top to bottom, and anything else she could find to keep herself moving. She'd even been over to babysit Sophia. Josh had finally talked Payton into going out for dinner, just the two of them, and Emma was more than happy to go over and hold the baby while they were gone. It had taken everything for the new mom to walk out the door, but she finally had. Payton had only been gone about ten minutes when the texts started to come in and then the phone calls started. Every time Emma reassured Payton that Sophia was still asleep in her arms and doing fine. It wasn't more than an hour before the door opened and the couple came back in.

"How is she?" Payton asked as she rushed through the door.

Emma smiled, "The same as when you called to tell me you were on the way back less than ten minutes ago."