Chapter 72: Poof

"Freedom!" Emma sang under her breath as she practically skipped out of the school on the final day. She'd packed up her room already, gotten everything taken off the walls, and she was on her way out, not planning to return until the last second possible. There was nothing standing in the way of her and her freedom... except a six foot two man that looked almost identical to her fiancé. No matter how many times she'd said fiancé to herself or out loud in the past month, she never got tired of it.

"You're coming tonight, right?"

"Yes, Josh, I'm coming over tonight."

"Good, I think that's everyone then."

Every year at the end of the school year, most of the teachers got together for a big cookout and party to celebrate three glorious months of freedom. Emma had hosted with Hannah the year before, and Josh had taken on this year's festivities.