Chapter 81: You Can't Fix It

Addison sat outside her dad's law office and just looked at the building. Being a lawyer was what she'd wanted for as long as she could remember. At least it's what she'd always told herself. She really wanted to be a lawyer because she felt she owed it to her parents. She felt like she did a lot of things for them because she owed them. She didn't hate her life, but she wondered how much she did for them and not herself. Still, she couldn't deny that her dad had done great things. He had started a small, family office in Colorado after he left a big firm that had defied the odds having a majority of women partners. When he moved to Nebraska, he had joined a small office, and he always loved his work. Addison had her sights set on a being a partner in a big law firm. She liked the idea that with more people and power, she could do more to help.