Chapter 86: Riddle Me This

Bryce sat in the waiting room in the same clinic that Addison went to for her fertility stuff, and couldn't help but think about all the things that led to where they were. He hated that he said the things he had, but he was just so mad that she seemed to be putting down roots in Nebraska when she should be headed home to be with him. He was checking his email on his phone while waiting for Renee and was surprised to see one from his brother.

To: Bryce Portwood

Subject: Riddle Me This

How does a douche like you end up with a saint like your wife? Em sent me a message and let me know that Addison was down. I guess I didn't realize how off she was feeling, but Addison really helped her out. Not sure how you got her, but don't fuck it up. Lightening doesn't strike twice. Seriously, though, thank Addison for me.

"Thanks for reminding me," he said under his breath.