Chapter 105: I’m Watching You

Bryce pulled his jacket around him and zipped it up. He was sure at some point in his life he'd laugh at someone who thought that the temperature was cold, but he'd been in the south far too long. He hadn't wanted to deal with taking a car from Josh so he was just going to walk. Thankfully it was only a few blocks away, so he picked up the pace to get his blood pumping. It wasn't until he was standing in front of his Jax's place that he realized it was still pretty early, and maybe he should have waited and showed up a little later.

Bryce: You up yet?

No need to go home if someone was up.

The answer came a few seconds later when the front door opened.

"How'd you know I was out here?" he asked.

"Lucky guess. Come on in."

"Thanks. It's fu... freaking cold out there." When Jackson raised an eyebrow at him he explained, "Soph's favorite game is repeating Uncle Bryce. This morning she was saying shit over and over."

"Oh damn. You're in deep... well shit."