Chapter 113: How’d I Get So Lucky?

"Ems, you look breathtaking."

Tears started to slip from her eyes as she walked up to her brother and hugged him. "Don't get me started or I'll never stop. Besides, I can't look that good. I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt that a baby on the plane spit up on."

Wrinkling his nose, Matt laughed, "That's what that was, eau de baby spit up. Smells good on ya sis. Jax," Matt said extending his hand.

"Hey, good to see you again."

"You're looking good."

"They're kicking my ass in PT."

"Good. Well, let's get your bags and get the hell outta here. Everyone's at the house waiting for y'all. I was going to bring the paddy wagon for Jax, but I was told it was in poor taste. You'll have to live with the minivan."

Rolling her eyes Emma told him, "Showing your age, old man. No one calls a cop car a paddy wagon. And I would have killed you."

"It's not good for you to be fighting in your condition, sis."