Chapter 119: It’s Not Good Enough

"If you don't stop fussing over me, right hand to God, I will go full blown crazy and have to hurt you."

Addison flinched at the words, and the smile she had on her lips slipped a little.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean it that way," Emma said and motioned for her to come sit on the sofa with her. "I just don't need you to be my maid and wait on me hand and foot. I'm okay. I'm so glad you care so much about me that you'd drop everything and come out here, but really, I'm just fine now."

"I was just so worried," she told Emma.

"I know. I think we all were, but I'm better. I'm able to keep at least one meal a day down now, and the new meds he put me on seem to be doing some good. I've already got a lot of my strength back."

"I just don't want it to get bad again," she told her with a sad look.

"It only got that bad because we were away. If we would have been home, I'd have gone to the doctor much earlier."

"Em, we ruined your honeymoon."