Chapter 130: Don’t You Dare

Even though she expected it, the knock on the door startled her. Addison had decided to cross the easiest thing off her list first, and so the day before in English, she told Bryce she was ready to ride the bull. He reminded her of the second part of that task, but she wasn't exactly sure what one would even wear to ride a bull to start with and what would be cute.

When she pulled open the door, Shelly didn't even wait for her to invite her in, she just barged in.

"What was this emergency?"

Rolling her eyes, Addison said, "I never said it was an emergency. I believe I said I needed some help. I think I also told you that we could deal with it on the phone."

"When you mentioned clothes, that implies a level five emergency. What gives?"

"I... just help me and stop asking questions. What would you wear if you were going out to ride a bull?"

"Like a real one?"

"No! Why would I get on a real bull?"

"I dunno, but you've done lost your mind, so I guess it's possible."