Chapter 150: A Girl Can Dream

Stepping out his front door, Wes pulled out his gloves and hat and reached down for his puppy. He hadn't been outside more than a minute, and he was already freezing his ass off. He hated winter in Kansas; more specifically winters where the wind chills were so cold, they'd freeze your face off. Thankful for the automatic start, Wes slid into the warm interior of his truck sighing as the heat washed over him.

His mind was in a million places these days. He'd been talking to Hailey when she'd pick up her phone, and he was frustrated when she wouldn't. There was definitely something going on. What he was asking himself was if he was ready to go balls to the wall and push himself into her life, or should he just step back and let it go. That little part of his brain that tingled when he needed to do something was going off like crazy, but every time she shut him out, hung up on him, or just became cold had his confidence in the toilet.