Chapter 156: I Need You

"Get off me!" Hailey yelled even though it didn't matter. No matter how what she did, she couldn't stop the man from getting what he wanted.

"You can fight all you want, princess. We both know deep down you want it."



"I said get off me." She kicked her legs and felt a sense of satisfaction when her hand connected with his face.

"Shit! Damn, I'm bleeding. Wake up, Hailey. Don't make me bleed on your bed."

That didn't sound right. Why would Michael care about that? It was then that she realized she wasn't being held down at all, and the voice; it wasn't the one from her nightmare. The realization woke her like a bucket of ice water being thrown on her. "Wes?" Opening her eyes, she saw him sitting on the edge of her bed covering his nose. "Oh crap! I'm so sorry. I'll go get something for it. How bad?"

Still holding a hand over his nose, she saw him try to smile, "It's just a flesh wound. I'll go take care of this if you're okay."