Chapter 158: You Need A Plan

The pounding on the door started again, and Hailey curled up tighter. She just wanted it all to go away.

"Hailey, you in there?"

"Wes?" she asked knowing he couldn't hear her.

Slowly she stood, trying to get her bearings. Her legs didn't want to work, and she was worried they might give out on her. When the loud knocking started again, it scared her so bad she jumped and held her chest hoping it would slow her heart. Checking the peephole just to make sure, she confirmed that Wes was there, hopefully alone, and opened the door.

"What's going on?" he asked looking angry at first and then when he took her in, his face softened. "What happened?"

Reaching around Wes, Hailey looked out the door just to make sure no one was there, and then closed the door and locked it again. It wasn't until she'd done this that she could breathe again. When Wes' hand landed on her shoulder, she yelped and jumped.

"What the hell happened while I was gone, Hailey?"

"It... it was nothing."