Chapter 48: Promise

@EllieChell: OMG @TheWilHarris is so amazing. #MyFutureMr

@TheWilHarris: @EllieChell That selfie we took is pretty badass. #CoolChick

@EllieChell: It's now my background @TheWilHarris. It'll stay until we take a new one. #Swoon

Megan stood back from the guys and snapped pictures as they interacted with their fans. People of all ages were there and were excited to meet the group. Wil seemed to take a million and one selfies, and that gave her an idea of something she could do for him if he wanted it. She'd seen this cool photo shoot that looked like selfies, and she thought she could make it happen. It would take some work, but she was willing to give it a try. The rest of the guys exchanged hugs, fist bumps, and high fives with the people who came up to talk to them.


Looking around she saw her sister running for her with a huge smile of her face. "Hey, Mad, what's up? I didn't know you were coming."

"KT left tickets for us. Isn't he the best!"
