Chapter 57: Why Catfish?

Lover's feud or foreplay? Innominate has only been back in L.A. for a few nights and there's already trouble brewing... or is there? Apparently there was a party we weren't invited to, and Austin King and his fiancée were having a lovers spat. Since no one has seen them in the same room together since, we wonder if they'll even make it to the altar.

KT thought he was going to have to bribe Megan to bed, but she was out as soon as her head hit the pillow. She had been mumbling something about the shots she'd done one second and then next she was lightly snoring. He had enough self-preservation to never mention that. After he checked her one more time, mainly to make himself feel better, he headed back out to the living room. He needed to have a chat with his bandmate.