Chapter 104: Craptastic Mess

Facebook Status - Dani King: When your child cries more for the man you're seeing than she does for you... I've either picked 'em right or my child sure told me.

"I don't wanna go," Reece cried as they rode to the airport. "I wanna stay wif Unc Nate!"

"We both do, but we have to go back home." Road life and toddlers didn't mix, but explaining that to said toddler wouldn't go over well.

"Reecie," Nate said from the driver's seat. "I need you to do something for me."

Her daughter perked up, waiting to see what Nate wanted.

"Can you make sure everything at home is ready for when I get back? It's only a couple more weeks now. As soon as this tour is over, and I make it home, we'll go to Chicago. Do you want to go back to Chicago?"

"See Pooper?" Reece asked, wanting to see Wil's dog.

"I'm sure we'll see Cooper."